No, Alexa is not expensive to run. The power consumption of an Alexa device is very low. In standby mode, it consumes about 2 watts of power, which is the same as a nightlight. When you use it to play music or control smart home devices, it consumes about 6 watts of power.
The cost of running an Alexa device will vary depending on your electricity rate. But, even if you leave your Alexa device on 24/7, it will only cost you a few dollars per year.
Here is a table showing the estimated annual cost of running an Alexa device in different countries:
As you can see, the annual cost of running an Alexa device is very low, even in countries with high electricity rates. So, you can rest assured that using Alexa will not break the bank.
In addition to the cost of electricity, there is also the cost of the internet connection that Alexa uses. However, this cost is usually negligible, as most people already have an internet connection that they use for other devices.
Overall, Alexa is a very affordable way to get the benefits of voice control and smart home automation. The cost of running an Alexa device is very low, and there are no monthly fees or subscriptions required.